About Me:
Hi! My name is Whitney and I am a mental illness warr;or. I’m proud to share my story. I have been living with multiple mental illnesses for most of my life. The best way I can open up, explain myself, & my mental illnesses is if you imagine a picture that was shattered into a million puzzle pieces. Those puzzle pieces were put back together to create a beautiful & unique masterpiece. I am that masterpiece & I am proud of each one of my pieces & the lines that hold it all together.
I was diagnosed with anorexia & depression in middle school but that was just the start of my journey. Since then I have been medicated, hospitalized, seen nutritionists, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, doctors, you name it.
Then came the diagnosis of ADHD, the constant addition and changes of medication, then anxiety and OCD tendencies. A snap shot over time of the ups and downs of different diagnosis. My best friend from college, she's smart trust me, believed that I was being improperly diagnosed. I just figured there was no hope for me to ever get better.
Fast-forward to February 15, 2019, I tried to end my life. I found myself thinking (knowing at the time) & screaming that the only way to escape the pain was to kill myself. I ended up spending days hospitalized in a treatment center. I truly believe without the Grace of God that day would have been my last.
Long story short, I hit rock bottom but it changed my life in the best way. It required the most extreme version of asking for help but I was finally diagnosed & medicated properly. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. It took time & a lot of self reflection but I was finally able to understand myself. I work daily to realize what I have is not a negative but a positive.
Adding bipolar disorder to the list above doesn't make me sad, it makes me grateful for the journey I am on & the people that never gave up on me & have helped me get where I am today. It is the next chapter that was missing in my book. I can’t wait to add more chapters to the Life of Whit Web. I hope this helps anyone out there that needs to hear, you are not alone! XO -Whit Web