total transparency time


Total transparency time...

I started this blog for a reason and that reason was to create a space to share not only my battle through mental illness but reach others in need, spread awareness, and end the stigma that exists around mental illness, one blog post at a time!

I have definitely taken a turn. We will say a little swerve. I haven't put enough time into why I am here, why I started this blog, and what my mission and goals are.

I wanted to of course share my life with everyone...the good the bad and the ugly. But I also want to share the things that make me happy, my passions, my favorite things to do etc. That includes fashion, travel and lifestyle. I always knew that I wanted to show others that just because you are struggling with mental illness it doesn't have to "look" a certain way and you don't have to hide. One of the most freeing things I ever did was to STAND UP, SPEAK UP, TELL MY STORY and NOT BE ASHAMED of who I am and all of my unique parts.

Of course, I got sucked into the "blogging" life, whatever that may mean. Does it really matter how many followers you have? NO. What matters is that you have followers that follow you for the right reason. Quality over Quantity. BUT the pro of having a lot of followers is having a greater chance to reach others!

I didn’t start blogging to make money. I am still not trying to make money. That is not my intention. I will promote things/brands that I fully support and will never promote something I don’t. That is completely unauthentic (is that even a word?) and I won’t be that person. If I make money along the way or get free products that is obviously a plus. Who wouldn’t want that?

This is of course The Life of Whit Web and everything that comes along with it.

I have promised myself that I will remember what my priorities are and try my hardest to stay on track. Remember, you are never alone in this fight.

XO, Whit Web


world bipolar day


lutzie 43 foundation