everyone deserves help

Wow it's been too long since I have been on here! So long that I have like 7 blog post drafts sitting there. I started a new job and the fall is always busy with events and traveling. And I just spent a good 45+ minutes trying to scale my photo and I just couldn’t get it. I realized the picture isn’t what matters! Anyway…when something hits me usually I just start writing. Well here ya go…

Everyone deserves support and to make mental health a priority.

Recently I was having a conversation that really hit me hard. Can you imagine begging for help and getting turned down every single time you tried? Let that sink in. It shouldn’t take long for you to be in complete shock that something like that could happen.

Well that is what is actively happening right now.

The percentage of adults with a mental illness who report unmet need for treatment has increased every year since 2011. In 2019, 24.7% of adults with a mental illness report an unmet need for treatment. This is real life. Why isn’t mental illness covered under insurance? Why aren’t we able to get help right when we need it? In my opinion it is because people really don’t know how important mental health really is.

Everyone is saying “mental health matters”. Commercials, t-shirts, celebrities promoting it…but are we really doing anything outside of announcing it on social media. Is this really anyone trying to make a difference or is this just another way to say “hey here I am they say it’s important so I will post something”. Saving face isn’t saving lives. I’ve seen so much when it comes to people complaining about things that need to be done and changed but they aren’t doing anything other than saying it and posting it on social media. Actually do something actually put in the effort. To post and move on isn’t helping anyone. In my opinion we are failing others. We are giving false hope to those in need.

I recently was admitted to the hospital again. That’s another story for another day but let me tell you this…if I wasn’t admitted right then and there I know deep down that things would have escalated and could have ended in a way that no one including my self wanted.

I am furious, I am upset, but most of all I am MOTIVATED. I am motivated to help others and make a change. Remember, you are never alone in this fight!


Whit Web


“loving someone with bipolar disorder”


what is bipolar disorder?